Lifestyle Evangelism Training
Use your gifts and talents to intentionally minister to your family, friends, co-workers, neighborhood, schools, and communities. The mission that is needed is not for one person to stand up and tell millions about Jesus but for millions to stand up and tell one person about Jesus. Be empowered to share the gospel in everyday life as you cultivate a strategic plan to reach those around you.
This training will inspire and equip believers to take action in their schools, communities, workplaces, and nations. This training will be filled with practical passionate teaching on how to build bridges into the lives of the lost in everyday life. We emphasize that evangelism is not a mere activity, but a holistic lifestyle that reflects the character of Jesus through our interactions, gifts, and passions.
Become convinced from the scripture of the great commission and great commandment.
Learn how the Holy Spirit empowers and enables disciples to share the gospel.
Learn to allow compassion and truth to work hand in hand.
Become all things to all people by being intentional, available, humble, interruptable, and sacrificial.
Leave with a burden and plan to reach your sphere of influence.

What is Lifestyle Evangelism?
Taking personal responsibility to reach the lost who are in your sphere of influence. This is you stewarding all that God has given you to live life on mission every day. Outreach becomes the essence of your life and not just a scheduled event that you participate in.
What is the training like?
The training is a holistic approach to practical and relational evangelism. We will return to what is written in the scriptures and look at the urgency of sharing the gospel, how to use our testimonies, how to become all things to all people, how to build bridges into the lives of lost people near us, and ways to contextualize outreach efforts to our specific context. I want to be clear, the training is not a script for what to say on the streets but it is an inner look into our hearts to develop compassion for those around us. Compassion then turns into motivation to see lives changed.
What is the goal of the Engage Training?
The goal of the engage training is twofold. It will inspire and equip Christians to share the gospel.
If people are equipped but not inspired then they won't use the tools that they have been equipped with. If they are inspired but not equipped their passion will be misplaced. However, if Christians are first inspired/compelled to share the gospel then they will desire to be equipped. At this point, the equipment serves a great purpose. A person who is inspired and equipped is the devil's worst nightmare. inspiration has to do with desire and equipping has to do with strength. Combined this is the make up for an evangelistic revival in the life of the everyday believer.
What is the goal of the Engage Training?
The training is normally done over a four-hour session with a snack break in between. It's helpful for it to be done where participants are at a table/desk so they can write and take notes. The training is also customizable as we talk and plan with leaders to meet the needs of each group.
May we make disciples who make disciples until the entire community knows Jesus.
Who is this for?
Church leadership- The evangelism temperature of every church is set by those in leadership. Raise the evangelism temperature in the leadership at your church. Cultivate a personal passion for soul-winning among the pastors, staff, elders, deacons, and ministry leaders. They will cultivate a personal plan of evangelism. Then dream together of outreach ideas, programs, and strategies for your church to win your community
Local Church- Training for your specific church members to take ownership in personal evangelism. This emphasis is on the intentionality of this specific congregation to reach the community with the aim of follow-up and discipleship being done at this local church location
Regional Host- Host an evangelism training for your city or region. This training is where your church sponsors an evangelism training and promotes this resource to the public. This is a larger training and geared toward brining unity for the sake of the gospel among the region to join efforts in future outreaches.
Are you ready?
For more information on the Evangelism Training, you can fill out the booking form below. Our team will be ready to speak with you about how we can work together to win the lost in your community.